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Investing in People and Enhancing Resilience for Sustaining Peace with Adaptive Peacebuilding

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Picture: Staff Sgt. Kassidy Snyder/US Army – The role that people play in restoring and sustaining peace in their own communities is also one of the main findings of research undertaken by Japan International Co-operation Agency, the writers say.

By Cedric De Coning, Rui Saraiva and Ako Muto

One of the key issues Japan has highlighted in January during its presidency of the United Nations (UN) Security Council is the revitalising and strengthening of UN efforts to sustain peace.

After years of decline, conflict-related civilian deaths have increased sharply, and there are questions as to how the UN can better help prevent and manage conflict in a complex and volatile peace and security environment that is starkly different from when the UN was founded in 1945.

Armed conflicts have become more violent, recur more frequently, and have become more complex to prevent or resolve. In Syria alone, the UN Human Rights office estimate that more than 306,000 civilians have lost their lives due to violent conflict over the last 10 years. Other conflicts that have caused the most deaths in recent years include Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, and, since 2022, the war in Ukraine.

Context-specific peacebuilding refers to bottom-up or home-grown approaches to achieving and sustaining peace based on local or national cultural, historical, and political understandings of peace.

As a direct result of these and other conflicts, it is estimated that over 100 million people have been forced to flee their homes. The UN’s humanitarian appeal for 2023 is over US$50 billion. Clearly, there is a need to invest more in preventing, managing and resolving conflict, including by continually revisiting and updating the UN’s peace and security concepts and approaches, as the UN Secretary-General outlined with a New Agenda for Peace in his Our Common Agenda report.

In advance of the open debate that Japan hosted on January 26, Ambassador Ishikane Kimihiro said that to reinvigorate peacebuilding efforts, one must invest in the people affected by conflict as agents of change. The role that people play in restoring and sustaining peace in their own communities is also one of the main findings of research undertaken by Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA). The project found that context-specific approaches to peacebuilding that empower local agency is a key element that influence the self-sustainability of peace processes.

Context-specific Approaches and Adaptive Peacebuilding

Context-specific peacebuilding refers to bottom-up or home-grown approaches to achieving and sustaining peace based on local or national cultural, historical, and political understandings of peace. It differs from approaches to peace where the values and concept of peace are imported from elsewhere. The people affected by the conflict determine the ideas or content, priorities, and values, and the peacebuilding process is aimed at (and limited to) facilitating a participatory process to strengthen or generate new social institutions through local and national ownership and leadership.

The project found that context specific, participatory, and adaptive peacebuilding contributes to more self-sustainability. This empirical evidence is consistent with the theory of complex adaptive systems, where the capacity for self-organisation in a complex system, such as a community affected by conflict, has a direct bearing on its social cohesion, resilience and adaptive capacity. The premise is that investing in strengthening the self-organising capacity of communities and societies — in other words, helping them to strengthen their social institutions and social networks — will help build the resilience, adaptive capacity and social cohesion they will need to prevent or recover from conflict, and to consolidate, further grow and sustain the levels of peace that they have been able to achieve.

Empirical Evidence in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East

One of the objectives of the research was to assess the potential of context-specific, participatory and adaptive approaches in a number of recent (and in some cases ongoing) conflicts. To do so, the project studied peacebuilding experiences in a variety of countries and policy contexts. The case studies included Colombia, Mozambique, Palestine, Syria, and Timor-Leste, which represent different conflicts in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and involve a diverse range of peacebuilding actors and contexts. As peacebuilding research has been dominated by Western concepts and practices, our research (to be published as a book in March 2023) also explores the peacebuilding approaches of two countries in the Asia-Pacific region, namely China’s peacebuilding role in South Sudan and Japan’s effort to promote peace in the Philippines, in order to assess the degree to which these countries have engaged in context-specific, participatory and adaptive peacebuilding.

The Colombia peace process, which followed the 2016 Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), demonstrated the effectiveness of adaptive approaches to peacebuilding that were attuned to local needs and contexts. The research found that the adaptive approach that was used to implement the 2016 peace agreement was more successful in consolidating and sustaining peace in Colombia than previous attempts. International and local peacebuilders often worked together and used bottom-up and adaptive approaches to address local concerns and needs throughout the country.

Similarly, the case of Mozambique showed how adaptive approaches to peacebuilding, which focused on context-specificity, national ownership, and adaptiveness, had more positive outcomes than earlier attempts influenced and driven by externally imposed concepts of what a peace processes should look like and how it should be managed. The effectiveness of the shift toward adaptive approaches in Mozambique confirmed that peace needs to emerge from within to be self-sustainable and that peacebuilding programmes should stimulate self-organisation and resilience in order to prevent, manage, and sustain peace.

The most effective context-specific approaches are those that are rooted in the history, culture, and current reality of the people affected by conflict

Major peacebuilding donors in Mozambique, including the European Union, are following this trend and developing more context-specific approaches. Localised international non-governmental organisations such as the Community of Sant’Egidio (CSE) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) provide examples of how international peacebuilders can contribute to sustaining peace through adaptive approaches that focus on context-specific, participatory process facilitation, institutional learning, and addressing cross-cutting issues such as poverty, inequality, and education as part of a more holistic approach to peacebuilding.

Overall, the case studies explored in the book found that the most effective context-specific approaches are those that are rooted in the history, culture, and current reality of the people affected by conflict, and show a link between the extent to which a peace initiative is context-specific and adaptive and its level of self-sustainability. They also show that context-specific and adaptive approaches to peacebuilding — ones that invest in people and encourage the active participation of affected communities — are more effective than top-down and determined-design approaches because they stimulate the emergence of local social institutions that work to promote and sustain peace. Top of FormBottom of Form

Cedric de Coning is a Research Professor at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), and Senior Advisor at the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). Rui Saraiva is a Research Fellow at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development. Ako Muto is an Executive Senior Research Fellow at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development.

This article was first published by the IPI Global Observatory on 17 January and is taken from Accord